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Leveraging the Power of Automation for Accounting AND Operational Anomaly & Fraud Risk Detection.  

Eye2Scan en 2 minutes

Automated Anomaly Detection Automate processes and detect anomalies with a few clicks. 
Expand internal controls Strengthen, expand, and standardize controls and their KRIs.
Support to Risk Management Enhance reporting and risk management.
Law and Regulation compliance Simplify compliance with laws, regulations, and standards (Anti-Bribery Act).


Some of our collaborations: 

Eye2Scan, a reliable control approach for unwavering risk management!

Eye2Scan 3 pillars

Streamlined Data Access

One-click access to all your ERP data without manual extractions, Excel files, custom tools, or technical expertise.

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Extensive Control Library

Benefit from a large library of pre-programmed and customizable controls covering both accounting AND operational flows across your different subsidiaries and periods.


Automated Monitoring  

 Instantly turn identified anomalies into continuous controls and action plans using an alert system, workflows, and checklists, all mapped to your frameworks and risk mapping.

Témoignages clients

« Nous avons gagné plusieurs jours sur le seul audit du processus P2P, nous n’avons plus besoin d’extraire plusieurs tables, de les recouper avec un risque d’erreur important. »
Auditeur Interne, industrie, 7Mds
« L'interface est intuitive et rapidement appropriée par les utilisateurs. »
CFO, 500M€
« Grâce à la pré-détection des anomalies potentielles, nos ressources et efforts sont allouées efficacement. »
Responsable Contrôle Interne - Industrie - 5Mds€


"Thanks to pre-detection of potential anomalies, our resources and efforts are allocated efficiently." - Head of Internal Control - €5 billion

"We saved several days on the P2P process audit alone; we no longer need to extract multiple tables and cross-reference with a high risk of error." - Internal Auditor - €7 billion

"Thanks to pre-detection of potential anomalies, our resources and efforts are allocated efficiently." - Head of Internal Control - €5 billion

"Paid off in just 5 missions solely through time saved on extractions. We started with internal audit, and now we have an automated tool for internal control. We can follow up on our action!" - Financial Department, €20 billion

Eye2Scan Solution

Why Choose Eye2Scan Solution?

Unique Expertise
Integrates over 20 years of audit and internal control experience.
Beyond Accounting Controls
Encompasses accounting, operational, and segregation of duty control (SOD).
Direct ERP Connectivity
Plug and Play on SAP, interfacing with other, even multiple, ERPs, datalakes, and business applications.
Flexible and Scalable
Easily adapts to your organization's environment and acquisitions.

Contact Us

To discuss your project or schedule a demo, please fill out this form.