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Eye2Scan pionners in the digitalization and automation for internal auditing and internal control.

Our Values



Trust is our fundamental value. With expertise, availability, commitment, and kindness, our dedicated teams accompany our clients at every stage of the implementation process and beyond, offering peace of mind. Rigor is at the core of our approach, ensuring a reliable solution.



Eye2Scan's expertise lies in our ability to combine deep internal auditing and internal control experience and sharp knowledge from our technology specialists. This synergy allows us to offer our clients an unparalleled automated control solution, based on high-level technical and domain expertises.



Agility is a crucial value for Eye2Scan, surpassing the boundaries of development methodology. It compels us to listen and anticipate our clients' changing needs, enabling us to design a flexible and adaptable solution to support their growth and face future challenges with resilience.

Eye2Scan Leadership Team

Eye2Scan Leadership Team (from left to right): Fabrice Mazana, CTO; Franck-Yves Inglebert, CEO and Founder; Ghislain de Kerviler, CRO

PROVEN Expertise

Eye2Scan emerged as a spin-off from PRAXIAM, an internal audit consulting firm. Our origins lie in the collaboration between internal auditors from large corporations and ERP specialists. Initially, we developed this solution to directly access ERP data, freeing us from the technical constraints of getting the data from the organizations we audited.

Gradually, with the ongoing goal of making automated controls accessible to everyone, we created an end-to-end solution that is now used by both internal auditors and internal controllers. This empowers them to autonomously optimize their controls, extend them to subsidiaries, and comply with anti-fraud laws, without the need for excessive human and financial resources.

We take great pride in supporting the evolution of the internal audit and internal control fields over the past decade. In doing so, we continue to onboard experts into our teams to stay in tune with the daily reality of our clients and to be forward-thinking about their future.

Eye2Scan Offices


locations: Paris, Toulouse, Annecy & Geneva 

Eye2Scan Global Footprint


countries covered by Eye2Scan control campaigns

Eye2Scan FrenchTech


developed in France 

L'équipe de direction


Franck-Yves Inglebert 

CEO et Fondateur

Franck-Yves, entrepreneur chevronné et visionnaire, s’est donné pour mission de faire évoluer l'audit et le contrôle interne. Fort d'une expertise métier et entrepreneurial unique acquise en tant que responsable audit interne dans des entreprises du CAC40 et en tant que Senior Partner chez PRAXIAM, cabinet conseil en audit, il a créé Eye2Scan. Grâce à son expérience en audit financier et opérationnel, il comprend les défis des organisations et a ainsi conçu une solution innovante.


Fabrice Mazana

Chief Technology Officer

Fabrice concrétise la vision de la solution depuis ses débuts. Fort d’une expertise en développement de solutions techniques innovantes, il guide les équipes pour surmonter les défis les plus complexes. Ses dix ans d’expérience en tant que Responsable du pôle web dans une entreprise d'intégration SAP, ainsi que son savoir-faire en .NET, PL/SQL, SAP et bases de données, constituent une base solide pour la solution de data analytique d'Eye2Scan.

Ghislain-DE KERVILER-Eye2Scan

Ghislain de Kerviler

Chief Revenue Officer

Ghislain est un entrepreneur multilingue axé sur la croissance durable. Fort de plus de 20 ans d'expérience, il a démontré son efficacité en direction d'entreprise, en gestion d'équipes performante et en opérations commerciales et marketing innovantes. Ancien Associé chez KPMG, Ghislain est un résolveur de problèmes énergique, un catalyseur du changement et un bâtisseur de relations, toujours prêt à relever des projets ambitieux.

Our Institutional Partners